Ontime APIs

Ontime has a strong focus on integrations. We want ontime to play well into your workflow.

Have an idea of how could this be better? Let's chat! Get in touch on email mail@getontime.no or open an issue in GitHub

We would like you to build your own views and your own controllers, and let Ontime handle the distribution and time-keeping

The Ontime app window, as well as the editor page, communicate with ontime through an open API. You can leverage this API yourself to extend the feature set or integrate into your workflow

The OSC and Websocket API allow for low latency communication to ontime server. Both APIs are identical, so it is up to you to choose the most convenient protocol

The HTTP API has access to a smaller subset of features

OSC and WebSocket API

Maybe you know your way around code? That is the best and most up-to-date source!


Last updated