Event Types (Blocks)

The Event List window is used to display events visualised as Blocks

Ontime revolves around an event workflow. The user should be able to add a list of events containing scheduling and some information relating. Ontime will use this data to create screens in realtime.

In general the standard event should provide all features necessary. To allow for advanced usage, delays and blocks are used. Read more on the delay workflow feature

Event Block

This is the main block which contains all the relevant data such as Start Time, End Time, events Title and Subtitle as well as Presenter Name and user notes.

The different parts of the data will be used to populate the different views. The time data is used to calculate and control the Stage Timer


  • Make public - Whether the event is visible in public screens

  • Add - Add block below

  • Delete block

Events can be made public or private to indicate wheter these are visible in the public views.

ie: we can add events related to stage operations - such as mic check or changeover - which will be visible in all public views

Delay Block

A delay block allows a workflow for temporary delays on the timers. This is used as a tool for live handling of schedule. Read more about the delay workflow


  • Insert delay time (in minutes)

  • Apply delay - Permanently applies the temporary delays (in orange) to the schedule.

  • Add - Add block below

  • Delete block

Delay information is only visible in the backstage screens, meaning this data is only shared backstage until the delays are applied to the schedule.


A block is an utility block which stops the propragation of a Delay. ie: adding a delay of 30min will propragate to all the events below changing their start and end times. A block is able to stop this propragation.


  • Add - Add block below

  • Delete block

A typical use case would be on a all day event scenario.

If the morning set list is running late, we would like to use delays to take control of our schedule. However we still wish that the afternoon schedule remains untouched.

We could place a block before the afternoon events, to ensure that those times remain untouched by the propagating delay

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